The organization of life during the Congress

The activities of the Congress will take place on the campus of St Martin d’Hères. Consequently, the spaces for work, meetings, debates, exhibitions and other convivial spots will be situated in the same area of the campus. To facilitate the organization the activities will be dispersed in the premises of the University Pierre Mendès France (UPMF), the Institute of the Political Studies (l’Institut d’Études Politiques, IEP), the Amphitheatre Weil and the Zone of Student Life (l’Espace de Vie Étudiante, EVE). All these spaces as well as the area of eating, CROUS Diderot, are close to each other. The participants of the Congress will be accommodated in the University campus as well (Cités Universitaires du campus).
The core of the Congress will be dispersed to different places. The General Secretariat of the Congress, the GDC and the reception point of the Territorial Association of Rhône-Alpes will settle in the IEP. The various working groups, round tables, and the ‘arousing’ environment will be taking place in numerous lecture halls, amphitheaters, and the galleries of the IEP and UPMF. The friendly space for the meetings with a bar and an open stage will be located in the EVE building.
The setting of the campus is very pleasant with lots of green areas and easily accessible from the city center of Grenoble.
The different moments of the Congress
As you might have already remarked from the dynamics of preparation, the Congress of 2015 is different in its content as well as in its principles of organization and participation. Differently from previous Congress, no new associative text will be generated, as the current National Project remains effective till 2018.
However, the idea of the Congress keeps an essential ambition that cannot be put aside: Congress is a time share with others our analysis on our environment, to discuss and reflect on actions that are essential for the future development of our the movement, actions that can be leveraged in the network and participate in reflecting how and in what domains CEMEA will be acting in the upcoming years. The participants are invited to benefit from the round table debates (Priority 1), the interactions, activities, and discoveries of exhibitions, focus groups, and other experiences accessible during the Congress in order to situate oneself in the future project of our movement (Priority 2).
Finally, the Congress is a place to take time to discuss, exchange point of views with other activists, work together on different courses of actions that remain today in the mantra, an unfinished utopia, to measure the relevance and possible modalities for implementation of these courses of action within the network (Priority 3).
In short, to spend time with other activists of CEMEA, to spend time together and benefit from the essential collective moments and thereby put efforts that this Congress achieves its objectives.
The terms of participation. The Congress is to give to everyone of us a possibility to take responsibility in constructing his/her own path. This one can do by participating in the conferences and round table debates, presentations of the focus groups, by discovering the ‘arousing’ environment in the galleries and amphitheaters, by participating in the activities of their own choice and contributing to the exchanges of thematic groups destined to discuss the possibilities for the movement of tomorrow…. in line with our ambitions!
Given the final program that will be distributed on site, each participant has to choose for himself/herself in what activities she/he wishes to participate and thereby construct her/his own path.
Certain participants of the Congress could begin the first day by participating in the round table debate or conference; the others might choose to discover the activities and areas such as the ‘arousing’ environment, to visit exhibitions, and choose activities for the following days.
Later the participants are invited to continue their day by participating in the presentation of focus groups or by visiting exhibition in the ‘arousing’ area. In the afternoon and on the following days the same possibilities of choice are proposed: roundtable debates, focus groups, ‘arousing’ environment enriched by other propositions of activities and thematic working groups of the Priority 3 of the Congress.
The modalities of registration for different activities will be specified and a support system will be put in place during the Congress.

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